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Monthly Archives: April 2024


Domestic Violence Can Persist After Couples Break Up

By Julia Kefalinos |

When the romantic relationship between two women ended after seven months, Lilniece Harris didn’t take it well. The control she’d exacted during the relationship had given her power that she wasn’t ready to give up on.  So she used harassment as a tool to try to get what she wanted from her former lover…. Read More »

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Discharging Student Loans in Bankruptcy Just Got Easier

By Julia Kefalinos |

If the possibility of bankruptcy is in your future but you’re concerned because you’ve heard that your student loans are exempt from the process, there may be some good news for you.  That’s because the federal government has made it easier for Americans who are burdened with crippling student debt to get out from… Read More »

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When Do Judges Issue Gag Orders?

By Julia Kefalinos |

Free speech: the First Amendment guarantees this right in America.  Even so, we know judges issuing gag orders in high-profile cases, plainly restricting the speech of individuals involved in both civil and/or criminal trials.  How can both things be true? Why Gag Orders are Issued  Typically  judges issue gag orders—or non-dissemination orders—as a way… Read More »

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Double Jeopardy

By Julia Kefalinos |

Double jeopardy: we’ve all heard about the Constitutional Amendment protecting people from enduring two criminal trials for the same offense, but many people likely do not understand the caveats to this important protection. The fact of the matter is, two separate trials could occur based on the same act under very specific circumstances. For… Read More »

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