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Monthly Archives: July 2024


Domestic Violence and Contraception

By Julia Kefalinos |

The consequences of domestic violence are well documented: physical harm, emotional damage, financial limitations, and so much more.  One of the lesser-known outcomes, however, is that women who are in abusive relationships are less likely to use birth control in general, and condoms specifically. And the results of that decision can be costly in… Read More »

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Supreme Court Rules on Guns and Domestic Violence

By Julia Kefalinos |

Advocates for gun control are praising the Supreme Court’s recent ruling affirming that anyone who has a restraining order issued against them due to domestic violence (DV). This prohibition will be a huge step in protecting survivors of domestic violence, as the Court’s ruling solidifies the idea that restricting guns when it comes to… Read More »

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Is Jury Nullification Possible in Your Trial?

By Julia Kefalinos |

Jury nullification: is it a way to dodge a guilty verdict at the end of a trial? Actually, maybe it is. What is jury nullification, and what makes it so attractive in some cases? Jury Nullification Defined  There are sometimes cases in which juries believe that a defendant may be guilty, but they opt… Read More »

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Domestic Violence Among Older Americans

By Julia Kefalinos |

When we think of our grandparents, many of us envision a comfortable older couple enjoying a glass of lemonade on the front porch while rocking in their rocking chairs.  Of course, that’s a stereotype that is comfortable and pleasant, but one that couldn’t be further from reality for many older folks. Sadly, older generations… Read More »

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Can You Get Your Charges Dropped or Dismissed?

By Julia Kefalinos |

If you are facing criminal charges, you’re no doubt hoping for an outcome other than a guilty verdict. An acquittal would be fantastic, although it’s possible you could have the charges dropped or dismissed before the case ever makes it in front of a jury. How is that possible? Having Charges Dropped  When a… Read More »

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