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Can 911 Call Analysis be Trusted?
Let’s say you’re out and about when the unthinkable happens—you discover someone who appears to be dead. It might be someone you know, or a total stranger. You automatically pick up the phone and dial 911 to report it, which is the sensible and responsible thing to do, right? But before you know it,… Read More »

Is a Man You Know a Victim of Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence: many have a hard time believing that men can be the victims, but the truth is that what happens behind closed doors can be very surprising. Although it may seem far-fetched, there are actually some pretty standard signs that suggest a man may be suffering from this type of psychological, emotional, or… Read More »

Getting Out of Debt is Possible
If you’ve been letting the mail pile up because you can’t bear to see one more bill, you aren’t doing yourself any favors. Instead, working with the knowledgeable debt relief and bankruptcy attorneys at The Law Office of Julia Kefalinos can help you reduce or eliminate debt you’ve accumulated related to credit cards, your… Read More »

Undocumented Migrants—and Those Who Harbor Them—Face Legal Jeopardy
Widely publicized reports of deportation raids on undocumented migrants indicate that the current administration has hit the ground running on this issue, and they are pushing forward without looking back. What does it mean for the migrants themselves and for the individuals and/or families who share connections with these migrants and who are inclined… Read More »

The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children
Many people in unhappy marriages stay together for the sake of the children. When the home is steeped in violence, even if it is not directed at the children, the effects can be devastating on young hearts and minds. Up to ten million kids and teens actually witness violent interactions between caregivers or parents… Read More »

When You’re Pulled Over for a DUI
You get a lump in your throat when you see those flashing red and blue lights in your rearview mirror. You are praying that someone else is being pursued, but your stomach lurches when you realize that it’s you that the officer is interested in. It’s bad enough to be pulled over—the panic really… Read More »

When Pets are Targeted in Domestic Violence
If you live in fear of an abuser, one of your best friends and sources of comfort may be a beloved pet. Pet lovers know that the love of a pet is one of the most companionable and satisfying relationships around—why else would so many people treat their pets as though they are human… Read More »

Emotions During Bankruptcy
There’s no putting a pretty spin on it: going bankrupt—whatever the reason—can be emotionally traumatic. Some have likened it to experiencing a severe physical illness. Despair is just one of the many feelings that may accompany financial duress. Some may be surprised to discover that there are some very positive emotions connected with filing… Read More »

Criminal Charges of Elder Abuse
You may think you’ve seen it all as an employee in a nursing home– patients with all manner of problems come in, and an exhausted staff relies on meager resources because those are the expectations and realities when it comes to the needs of multiple elderly residents. There’s no question that things could be… Read More »

Lethality Assessments Predict Serious Violence for DV Victims
Domestic violence is a serious problem in this country, directly impacting over 30 percent of women and 25 percent of men who have at one time or another suffered violence at the hands of an intimate partner. The domino-effects of domestic violence (DV) mean that the impacts on children and families, as well as… Read More »