Category Archives: Criminal Defense

Undocumented Migrants—and Those Who Harbor Them—Face Legal Jeopardy
Widely publicized reports of deportation raids on undocumented migrants indicate that the current administration has hit the ground running on this issue, and they are pushing forward without looking back. What does it mean for the migrants themselves and for the individuals and/or families who share connections with these migrants and who are inclined… Read More »

When You’re Pulled Over for a DUI
You get a lump in your throat when you see those flashing red and blue lights in your rearview mirror. You are praying that someone else is being pursued, but your stomach lurches when you realize that it’s you that the officer is interested in. It’s bad enough to be pulled over—the panic really… Read More »

Criminal Charges of Elder Abuse
You may think you’ve seen it all as an employee in a nursing home– patients with all manner of problems come in, and an exhausted staff relies on meager resources because those are the expectations and realities when it comes to the needs of multiple elderly residents. There’s no question that things could be… Read More »

Could My Charges be Dropped?
Have you been charged with a crime? You may be hoping that the charges you’re facing will be dropped or dismissed, eliminating all of the stress and expenditures of a trial under certain circumstances. Dropped and Dismissed Charges are Not the Same Thing There’s a small but distinct difference between having your charges dropped… Read More »

Voter Intimidation is Illegal
Although you thought you were acting patriotically when you chatted up fellow voters, you’ve been arrested and charged with voter intimidation. What constitutes voter intimidation, and what should you do about these charges? Defining Voter Intimidation Voter intimidation is a federal crime, and is spelled out in U.S. code as intimidation, threats, or coercion… Read More »

Parental Criminal Liability
After school shooter Ethan Crumbly pleaded guilty to a mass shooting in Michigan and accepted a life sentence in prison, it didn’t take long for his parents to be charged and convicted of involuntary manslaughter—one count for each of the four students killed by their son. Crumley’s parents hadn’t been on the scene of… Read More »

The Problem of Racial Profiling
We’ve all heard the claim that racial discrimination is a horrible piece of American history, but that it’s been quelled in modern America. Even so, there are more than a few people of color who beg to differ. Discrimination based on race, national origin, ethnicity, and religion, can be devastating in various frameworks, none… Read More »

Immigration and Crimes that Could Lead to Deportation
If you are a non-citizen living in the United States, it is important that you follow all laws and expectations. While the possibility of prison and fines are daunting to anyone, for immigrants the stakes are much higher. That’s because criminal activity, in some cases, could result in deportation. There are multiple rules set… Read More »

Is Jury Nullification Possible in Your Trial?
Jury nullification: is it a way to dodge a guilty verdict at the end of a trial? Actually, maybe it is. What is jury nullification, and what makes it so attractive in some cases? Jury Nullification Defined There are sometimes cases in which juries believe that a defendant may be guilty, but they opt… Read More »

First Steps When Facing Felony Charges
You don’t quite know what to think of your situation: you’ve just been charged with a felony! What will that mean for you? How should you behave? Should you answer all of the questions the police are throwing at you to prove that you are innocent? Should you do whatever it takes to get… Read More »