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Dispelling the Myths Around Domestic Violence


Even though millions suffer from domestic violence (DV) in this country, there are still pervasive misconceptions about it that confuse Americans. It’s time to dispel the myths so the realities can be properly addressed.

Myth: Only women are the victims of DV.

Fact:  Though it’s not nearly as well documented as violence against women, men do experience domestic violence.  Men are less likely to report the problem due to social stigma.

Myth:  Domestic violence occurs primarily in indigent and minority families.

Fact: Violence occurs among all socio-economic levels, races, and religions.  It happens to people in every age group, every education level, and in straight and LGBTQ couples.

Myth:  Most of the time victims deserve what they get.

Fact:  There is never a good reason for domestic violence.

Myth:  If things were really so bad, victims would leave.

Fact:  Most victims attempt to leave their abusers multiple times. But leaving can be complicated for reasons related to finances, children, threats, and fears. On average, victims who successfully escape a violent relationship have tried to do so six or more times before it actually pans out.

Myth:  Substance abuse is the root of DV.

Fact:  While sometimes drugs or alcohol exacerbate the violence, most of the time abusers are violent with or without substance use, and many don’t use drugs or alcohol at all.

Myth:  Victims like the attention they get from the situation.

Fact:  Victims generally live in fear, and would love to get out of the relationship but don’t believe they have any viable options.

Myth: Most abusers of children were abused themselves as children.

Fact:  While that may be true in some cases, it’s not a given, nor does it excuse the behavior.

Myth:  What happens behind closed doors is no one else’s business.

Fact:  DV impacts society in many ways, costing nearly $40 billion annually in lost productivity, law enforcement interventions, medical and emotional treatment, and legal issues. It is also one of the leading causes of homelessness.

Myth:  Abusers are hot-heads.

Fact:  There is no particular personality type associated with abusers.  Many are introverted and shy, some are very creative, some are analytical and others are whimsical.

Myth: Real domestic violence, when it occurs, is obvious.

Fact:  Survivors often cover for their abusers to protect their children, because they are ashamed, or because they don’t have trusting relationships where they feel they can safely confide.

Help for Victims 

Are you, or do you know someone who is a victim of domestic violence? If so, the compassionate, knowledgeable Miami domestic violence attorneys at The Law Office of Julia Kefalinos can help. To discuss, schedule a confidential consultation in our Miami office today.



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