Tag Archives: Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers

How Speaking to the Police Can Land You a 30-Year Prison Sentence
It’s one thing for local cops in Miami to arrest you for simple possession of marijuana. It’s quite another when the DEA accuses you of participating in a drug trafficking conspiracy. Federal drug charges can land you in prison for years–if not decades–on a variety of charges beyond mere possession. Feds Bust Little Havana… Read More »

What Happens When a Court Does Not Give a Defendant a “Speedy” Trial?
If you are charged with a felony or misdemeanor and awaiting trial, you understandably want your case resolved as quickly as possible. Indeed, the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees all criminal defendants the right to a “speedy” trial. But what exactly does “speedy” mean? Miami Man’s Conviction Reversed Due to Yearlong… Read More »