Tag Archives: Miami Criminal Defense Attorneys

How Florida Prosecutors Pile On Charges for “Drug Trafficking”
When it comes to drug crimes, Florida prosecutors love to pile on the charges. After all, why charge a defendant with simple possession when you can also accuse them of drug trafficking? For that matter, why not also charge them with using their car in service of drug trafficking? In fact, Florida law defines… Read More »

How Speaking to the Police Can Land You a 30-Year Prison Sentence
It’s one thing for local cops in Miami to arrest you for simple possession of marijuana. It’s quite another when the DEA accuses you of participating in a drug trafficking conspiracy. Federal drug charges can land you in prison for years–if not decades–on a variety of charges beyond mere possession. Feds Bust Little Havana… Read More »

Can My Spouse Seek a Domestic Violence Injunction Because We Had a Verbal Argument?
Domestic violence laws are designed to protect individuals from the threat of “imminent danger” to their physical safety. It is not a mechanism for parties to resolve their relationship disputes. In other words, just because you and your partner get into an argument or your relationship is breaking down, that does entitle you to… Read More »

Can I Sue Someone Who Falsely Accuses Me of Domestic Violence?
There are multiple reasons why someone might file a false domestic violence report. For example, in the midst of a hotly contested divorce or child custody battle, one parent might think they can gain the “upper hand” by accusing the other of abuse. Or perhaps one partner is an undocumented immigrant and the other… Read More »

Can a Police Officer Tell the Jury I’m Lying Based on My Body Language?
In many Florida criminal cases, a police officer serves as a key witness for the prosecution. There’s good reason for this. Prosecutors know jurors are often deferential to the testimony of a police officer, which makes a conviction more likely. But it is important to remember that the police are not infallible. Nor are… Read More »

The Importance of the Right to a Jury Trial in Domestic Violence Cases
If you are charged with a criminal offense arising from alleged acts of domestic violence, you have certain constitutional rights the courts must respect, such as the right to a jury trial. This may seem obvious enough. But keep in mind, a jury trial means the jury must hear and decide–beyond a reasonable doubt–that… Read More »

Is Cyberstalking a Crime in Florida?
Stalking allegations are common in Florida domestic violence cases. Stalking refers to any pattern of harassment or unwanted attention designed to provoke fear in the victim. These days, stalking not only includes actions that take place in the physical world but also via the Internet. In fact, Florida’s criminal stalking laws expressly define a… Read More »

Florida Supreme Court Says It Is “Reasonable” for Police to Detain, Question Passengers During Traffic Stops
Many criminal cases in Florida start with a traffic stop. An officer may initially intend to cite the driver for something like a broken taillight, only to discover there is evidence of some other crime, such as DUI or drug possession. But what about the passengers in the vehicle? Can the police detain or… Read More »

What Happens If I Flee an Accident Scene Where Someone Has Died?
Any drunk driving arrest is a serious matter in Florida. But when a DUI results in serious injury or death to another person, the consequences are especially severe. Florida classifies DUI manslaughter as a second-degree felony, and in some cases it can be elevated to a first-degree felony, which is punishable by up to… Read More »

How Drunk Driving Can Lead to 24 Years In Prison
Any drunk driving charge is a serious matter. But when an alleged DUI involves serious bodily injury or death to another person, Florida automatically elevates the charge to a felony. Indeed, a DUI that results in the “death of any human being or unborn child” is considered manslaughter, a second-degree felony. The minimum prison… Read More »