Tag Archives: Miami Student Loan Attorneys

FTC, Florida Officials Shut Down Purported Student Loan Debt Relief Scam
Student loan debt is out of control in Florida and throughout the country. According to Forbes, there are more than $1.3 trillion in outstanding student loans in the United States. For a college student who graduated in 2016, their average loan debt is over $37,000. About 11 percent of student loan borrowers end up… Read More »
For-Profit Colleges Often Lead to Major Student Loan Debt
Student loan debt is a major problem for many Florida college students. Student loan debt can be especially worrisome if you are a student of a private, for-profit college. Many Florida residents turn to for-profit schools because they are unable to obtain postsecondary or vocational education through more traditional colleges. But for-profit schools often… Read More »
Student Loans Are Dischargeable!
The theme of this blog post is, “if you don’t ask, you don’t get.” I have been successful in getting student loans discharged under the right circumstances. Please contact me for a FREE bankruptcy/ debt relief consultation. READ MORE….